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Khaled Ismail

Founder & Managing Partner | HIMangel 

Khaled Ismail, PhD, is the founder and managing partner of HIMAngel, an angel investment fund focused on early-stage startups in Egypt (2017 -present) which has invested in 23 startups since June 2017, and supported 100+ other startups. In addition, he has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Misr Informatics University since 2020. He was a board member of Blom Bank (2019-2022), Feather Invest (2018-2021) and MoriCo(2019-2021). Ismail was also a member of the Egyptian Presidential Economic Advisory Board (2015-2017), chairman of Endeavor Egypt (2011-2014) and the managing director of Intel Mobile Communications (2011-2014). Before that, he was the founder of SySDSoft (2003-2011), an Egyptian engineering company that ranked among the top in the world in the design and development of the protocol stack of 4G cellular technology, which was acquired by Intel in March 2011. His previous roles include: Senior Advisor of the Egyptian Minister of CIT (2004 and 2007), Member of the Board Orascom Telecom (2005-2010) and VP of Engineering at Ellipsis Digital Systems (2000-2002). 

Ismail earned his MSc from RWTH Aachen in 1985, and PhD from MIT in 1989 and was a Research Staff Member at IBM’ s T J Watson Research Center (1989-1997) and has been an IEEE Fellow since 1997 with over 160 published papers in international journals and 22 US patents.

An Egyptian citizen, Ismail was born in Germany, speaks Arabic, German, English and French and is the recipient of the Eta Kappa Nu “ Best Young Electrical Engineer in the US” award in 1994, and the Shuman Award for the “ Young Arab Engineer” in 1995, and The IBM Highest Achievement Award 1996.

Khaled Ismail
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